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Showing posts from January, 2019
  What is Touch? “Any first-time touch, or change in touch (from gentle to stinging, say), sends the brain into a flurry of activity. Any continuous low-level touch becomes background. When we touch something on purpose…..we set in motion our complex web of touch receptors, making them fire by exposing them to a sensation, changing it, exposing them to another.” - pg. 80, from A Natural History of the Senses   Statement: Once I read this excerpt I realized how often I find myself in the situation of unpredicted touch. The subject in the photographs above is wearing noise cancelling headphones removing the sense of hearing. Most individuals only become aware of what is touching them and what they're touching if they can see and feel it. When I wear these headphones my friends will run up to me and touch my shoulder sending my brain into full panic just due to the unexpected touch. The Feeling Bubble “But the skin is also alive, breathing